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Tips for the Successful Video Interview

While a video format -- such as Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts and the like -- can make the job-interview process convenient for both the candidate and search committee members, candidates should carefully consider certain aspects of it, writes Ramon B. Goings.

Career Support Beyond the Career Center

Katharyn L. Stober describes some helpful resources on your campus that you may be overlooking.

Black Motherhood in Academe

Trenita B. Childers explores how race shapes the narrative about motherhood in the academy.

Thriving While Succeeding a Long-Serving Leader

One of the most challenging issues new leaders face when following those who've held the same position for years is dealing with contradictory messages about change, writes Judith S. White.

7 Resolutions Job Seekers Can Make in the New Year

Melissa Dennihy offers some suggestions for how to get the most out of the coming months.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

To offer extra credit or not to offer extra credit? Deborah J. Cohan explains why, after years of not offering it, she's changed her mind.

Keeping an Edge on Your Career Development

Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis shares lessons she learned from figure skating that can also help you in your career.

Are You Supporting White Supremacy?

Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt provides a checklist.