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Turning Good Teaching on Its Head: Part II

What if we looked at not how much students learned from us, Paul F. Diehl asks, but how much we as instructors learned from students?

So You Want to Become a College President

Roger Martin warns of six misconceptions you can hold and mistakes you can make.

Why Critique Inequality in Our Disciplines?

Victor Ray explains why it is necessary to use our academic skills to analyze our own disciplines.

Turning Good Teaching on Its Head: Part I

As faculty members in the classroom, we can learn something by looking at the inverse of attributes of good teaching, writes Paul F. Diehl.

How to Land a Community College Job

Every step of the application process for faculty positions can be quite different from applying for a job at a major research institution, counsels Melissa Dennihy.

Smile, You’re on Camera

Ashley Brady and D’Anne Duncan offer tips for video interviews.

Defying the Odds

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein considers the role of mentors and role models in creating a path for young black physicists.