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From Detour to Deliberate

Djahane Banoo and Martin Gutmann explain why building expertise rather than gaining transferable skills is the key to alternative-academic employability.

Counselor or Coach?

Stephanie K. Eberle recommends what type of adviser you should choose to get the best career support along the way.

The Racial Politics of Citation

The lack of citations of scholars of color furthers racial dominance and forecloses potentially valuable avenues of intellectual inquiry, argues Victor Ray.

Walking Around a Problem

In their haste to deal with a problem quickly, deans shouldn't forget the importance of examining it from many different angles, write Carolyn R. Hodges and Olga M. Welch.

Challenged Academic Units

C. K. Gunsalus, Nicholas C. Burbules, Robert A. Easter and Jeremy D. Meuser recommend five steps for managing conflicts and disputes.

4 Funerals and an Ending

A professor and a person can perish on the way to publishing, writes Robert Zaretsky.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating Your Job Offer

It takes some practice, but if you know and understand the basics, you can become much better at it, advises Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis.

Higher Ed Should Take a Cue From K-12

Faculty members should come together and organize on behalf of the future of higher education, argues Melanie Barron.