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The Trauma of Graduate Education

Such trauma impacts graduate students as they produce CVs, cover letters and other job search materials, writes Beth Godbee, and we should acknowledge and address it.

Teaching Countercultures After Charlottesville

When a student asked me about the overt violence that occurred during the march in Charlottesville, I was well aware that being outspoken in the classroom can lead to career repercussions, writes Brittany Lee Frederick.

A Sabbatical Abroad With Kids?

While you will undoubtedly face challenges, you'll also reap important rewards, writes Yasmine Kalkstein.

The Dangers of the “Silent A”

Waving through our strongest students with some minimal comments does a disservice to them, to us as pedagogues and, ultimately, to the future of our profession itself, argues Adam Kotsko.

3 Informational Interview Mistakes

Many students are unclear how to conduct such conversations and are potentially sabotaging future career prospects, writes Thomas Magaldi.

With a Little Help From Your Friends

Eszter Hargittai describes how a writing accountability group can help you meet your goals over the summer.

Networking: Just Do It

Even if up until now you haven’t done it, even if you find it insufferable, even if you think you’re awkward, even if you secretly believe that you’re somehow above it, argues Stephen J. Aguilar, do it and open yourself up to the possibilities that follow.

Undoing the Can of Worms

Some faculty members do more than their fair share of department service, institutional housekeeping and student mentoring, writes KerryAnn O’Meara, who provides guidance for how to make such demands more equitable.