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We Need to Rethink Training for Ph.D.s

Why aren’t our graduate programs teaching students how to teach, Whitney Ross Manzo and Kristina M. W. Mitchell ask, rather than preparing them for the far more rare research job?

Do You Need a Postdoc?

Many Ph.D. students simply default to postdoctoral training as a logical next step, when instead they should be making a much more intentional choice, writes Stephanie K. Eberle.

The Vital Need for Queer Studies

Steven W. Thrasher explains why they are necessary for journalism education, as well as for education in general.

10 Requests for Search Committee Members

A graduate student applicant offers advice on how such committees can operate in much more productive and humane ways when it comes to their hiring practices.

Will Anyone Attend Your Conference Presentation?

Carol Poster provides a calculator to help you estimate the probable size of your audience and plan accordingly.

What Students Say Is Good Teaching

Harry Brighouse shares instructional practices that undergraduates say they have rarely encountered and think should be more widely shared.

The Invisible Injuries of Faculty Mental Health

By removing the stigma associated with mental disorders, we can ensure that victims seek treatment sooner, free from the fear of being harshly judged by peers, argues an anonymous professor.

Responding to Destructive Criticism

It's important to emphasize problem solving rather than blaming, while attending to the larger structures of power and privilege, argues Pamela Oliver.