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The Business Officer as Interpreter

You can infinitely improve your effectiveness if you speak the language of your growing audiences, writes Jeffrey Ratje.

Teaching the Skill of Learning to Learn

Colleges have long dismissed the skill of learning as mere study skills, but there’s growing interest in giving students a richer sense of how to gain knowledge, argues Ulrich Boser.

Navigating First-Gen Career Pressures

Helen Pho provides insights to help lower the anxiety such students often feel when pursuing a Ph.D.

This Is Your Pipeline Problem

Amelia Gibson explores the far-reaching effects of campuses' mistreatment of senior faculty of color.

Confronting Biases Against Adjunct Faculty

The view that we adjuncts are inferior teachers or scholars who somehow deserve our lot makes less and less sense as time goes on, Angela B. Fulk argues.

Full Disclosure Required

Even though job ads often don't say, junior academics have a right to know with whom they'll be working, Mehdy Shaddel writes.

From Dreaded to Amazing

Cathy Davidson describes how to transform your “revise and resubmit” comments from one to the other.

Supporting Your Supervisees in Career Exploration

Faculty members can't know the ins and outs of every job that might interest their grad students and postdocs, but they do have some significant career-related responsibilities, writes Melissa Dalgleish.