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Why I Have Not Yet Retired

Robert J. Nash explains why he believes one can still be effective at age 80 as both a teacher and a scholar.

On Them: Giving Students What They Want

Why shouldn’t our students feel entitled? We've relieved them of responsibility in the classroom, writes Michael Bugeja, who suggests some more effective strategies.

The Early-Stage Ph.D.'s Guide to Summer

Sue Levine provides a menu of manageable career and professional development activities you can pursue over the next few months.

The Inequities of the Tenure-Track System

As faculty are expected to publish more, nonwhite faculty suffer the consequences, argues Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana.

Dismantling the Senior Team: A Troubling Trend

It's rarely a good idea and can severely damage the institution and create unnecessary turmoil, argues Pat Sanaghan.

A Shorter, More Humane Ph.D. Program

Universities must re-evaluate the time-to-degree requirements for many humanities Ph.D. programs, argues Michael Zimm.

How to Best Help Students With Job Searches

Allyson Hoffman advises grad students and faculty members how to respond when students contact them now and throughout the summer with questions and requests.

Lessons From a Support Group

Mike Firmand describes how such a group can help students feel more in control of their job searches and outlines how to create your own.