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August Homework for College Leaders

Presidents, board chairs and other trustees should spend time now thinking about how best to prepare for potential crises that may arise in the fast-approaching new academic year, Margaret Dunning advises.

The Self-Aware Leader

Effective leadership is rooted in understanding the leader you currently are as well as the leader you need to become for your unit to thrive, write Elizabeth A. Luckman, Nicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus and Robert A. Easter.

Give It a Rest

Finished your dissertation and ready to write your book? Not so fast, warns Laura Portwood-Stacer.

Grad Students Should Consider Administrative Work

A wide range of positions at colleges and universities are open to those with a Ph.D., writes Chris M. Golde.

Stifling the Seedling’s Growth

The Thirty Meter Telescope project at Mauna Kea raises questions about what we truly mean when we say we engage in “ethical and moral” research, argues Amanda R. Tachine.

The Overlooked Diversity Issue

Colleges don’t always realize that their small-town communities are unsuited for the faculty members whom they hope to hire, argues Rachel S. Harris.

Managing Microaggressions

Those of us whom they affect must find ways to soothe the uncomfortable feelings they elicit, writes Stephen J. Aguilar, who offers some suggestions for how to do so.

The Nuance of Note Taking

Banning laptops or other note-taking devices from the classroom is an extreme stance that isn’t right for every student, argues Karen Costa.