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Cameras On: Surveillance in the Time of COVID-19

Requiring students to let you inside their homes and private spaces can be culturally insensitive and ultimately racist, sexist, gendered and classist, write Margaret Finders and Joaquin Muñoz.

The Value of ‘Sitting Beside’ Job Assessments

In this uncertain era, effectively assessing academic leaders at all levels -- department chairs, deans, vice presidents, provosts, presidents -- is more important than ever, writes Larry Braskamp.

I Really Dislike Negotiating, But…

… whatever our circumstances, Joseph Barber writes, we should all negotiate for something as part of our next job offer.

What to Do When Your Institution Is Acquired

Steven Michels offers some suggestions for how best to respond when you find yourself as an employee on the wrong side of the sale.

Tips for Running a Successful Virtual Conference

Brian Whalen, Jennifer Wright, Catherine Marte and George F. Kacenga share 12 lessons they've learned.

Just 1 Book

Christopher Schaberg describes how he learned to slow down and enjoy learning with his students.

Be Bold, Be Entrepreneurial

Adriana Bankston offers advice on how to advance your career as an early-career scientist.

Flourishing During Job Searches

Looking for new employment can be especially daunting these days, but Brandy L. Simula recommends four practices that can help you come out ahead.