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Implementing Pandemic Equity Measures for Faculty

Joya Misra, Ethel L. Mickey and Dessie Clark outline four concrete steps that institutional leaders can take to create equitable systems for supporting faculty members.

Tips for Better Zoom Chats

Zachary Nowak, Michelle-Marie Gilkeson and Samantha Tracy offer advice on how avoid their downsides and embrace the best pedagogical outcomes they offer.

Leaving and Then Returning to the Ivory Tower

Zhannetta Gugel describes her rather unconventional career journey as a Ph.D. from academe to industry and then back again.

Building Self-Efficacy for Ph.D. Success

For career advancement, you must believe in yourself and your own success, write Diane A. Safer and Natalie Lundsteen, who offer some advice on how to do so.

Let’s Reclaim Summer Break

After a year pretty much like no other, it’s time for most of us to finally pause, close our laptops and turn off our notifications -- even for just a day, Rebecca Vidra urges.

Rhetoric vs. Reality

In candid moments, even women presidents, provosts and other senior leaders discuss the gender bias they still confront in higher education, Melanie Ho writes.

5 Things We Must Do Better When This Thing Is Over

Matthew Wright offers suggestions for fellow Zoomed-out faculty instructors.

Dropout Professors

While the chances of a high-school dropout becoming a professor remain low, Gretchen Soderlund shares lesson from a few, including herself, who made the grade.