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Lessons From COVID About Managing Change

Frances Altvater shares what she’s learned as an academic administrator and how it has uncovered new skills of empathy, adaptability and resilience.

4 Pandemic Teaching Strategies to Keep

Jessie B. Ramey shares four specific strategies she’s found quite successful and plans to continue this coming fall when classes are face-to-face.

Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations Are Hard

To head off common problems, Margaret Schedel and Heather Lynch recommend three questions you should always ask when developing your academic prenup.

Lessons on Teaching Together

After three years as co-teachers, Ellen Song and Mark John Sanchez offer lessons for other academics currently engaged in, or hoping to begin, collaborative instruction.

4 Key Lessons Learned

Success in grad school hinges on planning ahead, seeking mentors and articulating your skills, write students Lydia Gandy-Fastovich and Kirby Livingston, along with their supervisors, Alissa Ewer and Eileen Callahan.

The Systemic Scarcity of Tenured Black Women

Increasing the number of Black women with Ph.D.s does nothing to address the structural barriers they face throughout the process of seeking tenured positions, writes Zawadi Rucks-Ahidiana.

Do You Really Need a Ph.D.?

As empowering as the notion of the alternative-academic path is, deciding to pursue a Ph.D. when the career you want doesn’t require a doctorate may not be the best choice, argues Arie Spirgel.

A Paean to Think-Pair-Share

It’s a general-purpose didactic instrument, a veritable Swiss Army knife of classroom tools, argues Zachary Nowak, who suggests how to effectively use it in your own courses.