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Upholding Rigor at Pandemic U

When it comes to assessing student performance, the fact is that some students may fail -- yes, even in a pandemic -- yet that doesn’t make the instructor a bad educator, writes Deborah J. Cohan.

Grad Students, Start Saving for Retirement Now

For Ph.D. students in particular, the opportunity cost of brushing retirement planning under the rug can be colossal in the long run, Fahad Sajid warns.

Finding the Right Postdoc for Career Success

Tina Solvik offers five practical steps to help you determine the best fit and derive the most benefit.

A Professor’s Lessons From Running for Public Office

Cynthia Richards found it meant representing higher education in venues where she was as likely to be confronted with anger, despair or even an AR-15 as with a pen and a notebook.

‘The Chair’: A Dark Comedy?

The new Netflix series portrays a chair of a department at a moment when the position has never been more demanding and the humanities are at an inflection point, writes Amanda Bailey.

Creating More Engaged Class Discussions

John J. Silvestro shares two strategies that he has found have reduced confusion and helped his students produce stronger work.

Why and How Faculty Should Participate in U.S. Policy Making

Michael A. Fisher and Lindsay K. Milliken provide a detailed recipe for facilitating the use of science as a key element of the policy-making process.

Making the Most of One-way Video Interviews

Joseph Barber explores the benefits and challenges of answering interview questions without any human interaction at all -- and how to do so most successfully.