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Check It Out by Checking It Off

When it comes to grading essay exams, writes Rob Weir, Mr. Chips was wrong.

Lessons of 33 Years as a President

As he prepares to lead his fifth campus, Richard S. Meyers consider the rules -- for chief executives, faculties and others -- that promote presidential success.

When You Don't Want to Teach That Course

Dear Survival Guide: My chair just asked me to teach a course I've never taught, and which I think is...

What I Wish I'd Known About Tenure

Leslie M. Phinney discusses tenure and what should you know about the tenure process when starting an academic career.

Oh the (need for) humanity…

Teresa Mangum suggests some basic rules of communication and courtesy for search committees.

On Being Presidential

In interviews, writes Susan Resneck Pierce, search committees make quick judgments based on not only substance, but style -- eye contact, personal connections, humor and attire.

10 Commandments of Lecturing

Rob Weir offers advice on what to do and what not to do to keep your students engaged.

Toxic Assets

Sometimes, in spite of trying to be helpful, spouses can hurt a job candidate's chances, writes Jean Dowdall.