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30 Days Until Finals

It's time to set goals that are ambitious and realistic, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Fallout From an Accusation

A professor who brought misconduct charges against a colleague asks how to act while the process moves forward. C.K. Gunsalus considers how to handle this awkward, long period.

Art of the Conference Paper

Alessandro Angelini explains how grad students can impress when they present at academic meetings.

Pay Yourself First

To get ahead, you need to make your agenda the top priority, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Impressing Your Bosses

At teaching institutions, junior professors can get on the radar screens of deans by organizing an all-campus event, but that requires learning how to write a proposal, writes H. William Rice.

If I Could Do It Over ....

Thomas Wright reflects on his missteps when applying for faculty jobs.

The Myth of the Muse

Waiting for inspiration is not a strategy to win tenure, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

New Kid on the Block

Tempted as new faculty members may be to focus on research and teaching, they should remember that academic careers are about relationships, John Frazee writes.