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The Joy of Teaching in Iraq

Jim Owens taught at community colleges, a state college and a private university before finding the ideal academic post.

A Difficult Question

Terri E. Givens asks: Should I just be happy to have a job?

Search Committee Snafus

Colleges can undermine themselves with job candidates when their recruiting procedures are disorganized and sloppy, Stephen Winzenburg writes.

Calling Gay Leaders

Michael Roggow shares expert advice on how gay administrators can become presidents and how search committees can be welcoming of their candidacies.

The International Option

Don't assume that you need years of off-the-beaten-track travel experience to teach in a developing country, writes Joanne Nystrom Janssen.

Reading the Creek

Karen Hoelscher and Carmen Werder offer tips on how to pitch a piece of writing to publishers.

Getting In on the Ground Floor

Even in the tight job market, new academic units are hiring. Would their positions be a good fit for you? Daniel Kennedy shares questions to consider.

A Dual Exit

Why do both members of an academic couple leave higher ed? They tell Eliza Woolf.