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The Benefits of a Combative Cabinet

In this hypothetical case study, Barbara McFadden Allen, Ruth Watkins and Robin Kaler explain how college leaders can -- and must -- surround themselves with a team of wise people with competing viewpoints.

Four Ways to Keep Students' Attention

Creating classroom experiences that grab and hold students' interest is not only good teaching, it's good science, writes Karen Costa.

Five Time-Management Tips

Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis gives advice for dealing with that constant feeling of busyness that causes us to feel like we don't have time for anything.

Fostering Trans Inclusion in the Classroom

Faculty members should identify gaps in their knowledge about gender, learn about transgender and nonbinary students, and implement some specific pedagogical practices, writes Stacy Jane Grover.

A Kinder Campus for Adjuncts?

Maria Shine Stewart proposes three questions for colleges to consider while reflecting on the teaching conditions of adjunct faculty members.

The Dreaded Hallway Conversations

Given all the violence and turmoil in the news over recent weeks, you may not be looking forward to campus discussions when you return for the new school year. Kerry Ann Rockquemore offers advice.

What Essays Can Be

The essay form is still the best way for students to think hard on the page, but it should involve inquiry-based learning, evidence-rich analysis and process work -- not formulae, write Gwen Hyman and Martha Schulman.

Make 13 Your Lucky Interview Number

Saundra Loffredo recommends step-by-step preparation for successful job interviews.