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A Beyond the Professoriate Faculty Challenge

Faculty members can better advise students about career options by interviewing people in higher education -- and they don't even have to leave their campuses to do it, write Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood.

Making Mentoring Relationships Meaningful

Adriana Bankston examines the true meaning of mentoring and how best to mentor the mentors.

Celebrating Academic Bravery

It challenges the status quo, crosses boundaries and breaks new ground, writes Eric Anthony Grollman, and we should honor and acknowledge it.

That Time of Year Again

A junior professor provides advice for interviewing and networking at national conferences like those taking place this week.

An Ode to Teacherless Writing Classes

An uncredentialed writing instructor, Gizem Karaali, shares some effective tools learned through trial and error.

A Call for Latinx Faculty Members

Alvaro Huerta honors a deceased Latino professor, a pioneer and mentor in his field, and highlights the need for more like him.

Giving Up Our Calling

William Palmer reflects on his life in academe and on retirement through poems.

Optimizing Your Social Media Presence

Whether you are new to the idea or have a sophisticated online presence, you can improve your connection and visibility with a strategic plan, Janelle Baxter and Anne Marie Mitchell advise.