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Grad School Activism

While often necessary, it’s not a substitute for technical proficiency, writes Chanda Prescod-Weinstein.

Self-Care for the New Year

Something is seriously lost when we as academics can’t connect back to ourselves, the world and what truly matters, writes Deborah J. Cohan.

What I Learned as I Was Leaving

Beth Godbee shares three responses that surprised her when she announced her decision to depart higher ed.

How to Avoid Overprepping for Your Classes

Too many faculty members prepare too much for the classes they teach, writes Christine Tulley, who proposes a solution: pattern teaching.

The Benefits of Coaching Conversations

Deborah S. Willis gives advice on how to incorporate such conversations into your graduate school or postdoctoral experience.

Validation and Sassiness in Academe

When a professor saw herself heading toward the jaded attitude she'd noticed in senior colleagues, she decided she had two choices.

Fostering Trust in Academic Departments

It is crucial in a vibrant academic unit, and you can cultivate it in some specific ways, advise Elizabeth A. Luckman, C. K. Gunsalus, Nicholas C. Burbules and Robert A. Easter.

The Joy of Kids for the Teacher-Scholar

Kids and academic life complement and enrich each other in lovely, unexpected ways, writes Kyle Sebastian Vitale.