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Try Meeting in the Middle

Will teacher-student conflict yield a mutiny -- even a public relations nightmare? Maria Shine Stewart shares a dozen tips that may help you reach better outcomes.

Leaving Your Job Gracefully

No matter why you are departing, how you manage your exit can impact your career into the future, advises Christine Kelly.

The White Man Template and Academic Bias

“Legitimate” pursuits of knowledge are expressions of power, write Rebecca A. Reid and Todd A Curry.

Public Scholar, Beware

Do what you can to minimize the risks and maximize the opportunities of entering the public sphere, advises Helene Meyers, who offers recommendations.

Purpose as Well as Paycheck

A new report from Gallup and Bates College shows most students want to find a sense of purpose in their work, but they aren't always succeeding.

Letters of Recommendation: Just Say No

The practice reaffirms entrenched systems of inequity and bias, Michelle Iwen argues.

Ethics for Moral Fundamentalists

Humanities professors are struggling to create a better context for constructive discourse and decision making in our current, often polarized, environment, writes Steven Fesmire.

Positive Communication in Your Career Conversations

Laura N. Schram highlights six actions you can take to improve your professional relationships.