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No Shame in Our Game

Stop maligning community colleges, writes Susan Muaddi Darraj, and treating their students and faculty members as not as good as their peers.

On Research Presentations at Conferences

Junior Prof describes how they ascribed to the common practice of simply reading their research paper to attendees -- until they were forced to change their tactics for the better.

Managing Isolation in Academe

The nature of our work can prevent us from building meaningful connections with other people, writes Stephen J. Aguilar, who provides strategies for dealing with the issue.

Confessions of an Interactive Lecturer

In half of a 12-step program, L. Kimberly Epting describes how to create a lecture environment that supports student learning.

The Challenges of the Trailing Spouse

Institutions have significant work to do when it comes to inclusive practices for dual-career couples, writes Annmarie Cano.

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

Guidelines about the use of Twitter at academic conferences, and the way they are articulated, should concern scholars, argues Jonathan Beecher Field.

In Praise of a Nonelite Education

Many wonderful colleges can give students an excellent education, argues Katherine Maloney, as well as provide opportunities for Ph.D. graduates to grow as teachers and scholars.

Harnessing the Power of Systematic Career Exploration

Such exploration should happen early and often, writes Rebekah Layton, who gives tips on how to get started.