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By Indirections Find Directions Out

Librarians and faculty in the disciplines have different lines of sight on students who struggle to find sources and use...

Business or Town?

Tenured Radical’s thoughtful post on elite presidential salaries got me thinking about the “run the college like a business” canard...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Counting Down toward the end of the semester

Four. Sixteen. Eight. Thirty-two. Five. Nineteen. Six. Lately everything I do seems to have a number on it. I have...

LinkedIn and Conference Readers

Today was the first time I used LinkedIn to develop a list of potential readers for a conference submission process...

Ask the Administrator: Falling Behind on Grading

A new correspondent writes: What constitutes “falling behind” on grading in a college classroom and what are the consequences? It...

My Love Affair With Academia

I bookmarked before noon my first day of work at the University. This wasn’t merely because of the impressive...

'The Master Switch' is the Best Book of 2010

Ours is a vision of a transformed educational economy, one made possible by the invention of the web and the...

Athletics on a smaller scale

I was at the last soccer match of the season and the tension level was very high. Team “Blue” had...