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Reno 911

With Wisconsin and Ohio getting most of the national attention lately, I’ve been struck by the amazing goings-on in other...

Is Changing Higher Ed Really Possible?

For all of my pie-in-the-sky musings about why you should blog, I have become increasingly troubled by a nagging feeling...

The next stage of assessment

For all of us as educators, the Lumina Foundation draft report on “The Degree Qualifications Profile” needs to be must...

Prepping for the Empty Nest

Both of Ben’s bands are taking off. His school jazz band is literally taking off in a little over a...

Watch more TV

Normally, I'm a devout TV-phobe, but this is just too cool not to like. Samsung is showing off a 46-inch...

Gigabit Web, South Korea, and the Coming Asian EDU Century

"By the end of 2012, South Korea intends to connect every home in the country to the Internet at one...

Friday Fragments

--I’m officially tired of using the wet/dry vac on the basement floor. Anytime this winter would like to go away...

Hacking the Academic Press: or Herding Pushmi-Pullyus

The Association of American University Presses has just released a report, Sustaining Scholarly Publishing: New Business Models for University Presses...