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Ask the Administrator: Hurry Up and Wait

A flustered correspondent writes: I have a math PhD from a good midwestern university, good teaching experience in the past...

In the final analysis ...

... it may not matter if we (humans) kill our fool selves off. According to research conducted at Arizona State...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Do professors matter?

Somewhere in my blog reading over the last few weeks I ran across a link to a brief piece in...

Editing and Intimacy

This post of Aunt B's, over at Tiny Cat Pants, struck a chord. Close editing, as distinguished from scanning-for-typos, is...

Hosts, beneficial parasites, ratios and the like

Susan Rogers at SCUP shared with me some data on the membership of that organization, and it turns out that...

Ask the Administrator: Tracking the Elusive Full-Time Business/Management Gig

A new correspondent writes: I just read your post on full-time English gigs. Is the picture any brighter for those...

Career Coach: The WSJ Flapdoodle

I came late to this party — I was away when Naomi Schaeffer Riley’s article came out, and when I...

New Guest Book Review: Camps

Today it makes me happy to help two of my favorite people cross paths, in a sense. Katya Cummins is...