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Headline News

The Sunday September 26, 2010 edition of Newsday had the following front page headline, “ L[ong] I[sland] Colleges Change Course...


Jerald Walker has a funny article in this week’s Chronicle about being the subject of a wardrobe intervention by a...

Substitute Teaching

Teaching my own classes sometimes feels like sailing across a vast body of water toward some unseen landfall. Over the...

School Pictures

We got The Boy's and The Girl's school pictures this week. Admitting my own bias upfront, it's still fair to...

EDUCAUSE: Working the Booth

The hardest workers at EDUCAUSE 2010 (save the conference organizers) will be the people working the booths in the Exhibit...

Community Means Us

The latest critique of American higher education, Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and...

Math Geek Mom: Chaos Theory

I once had someone tell me a story of being on an airplane seated next to someone who was writing...

Riding right

I'm all in favor of campus no-idling policies. And I'm even more in favor of electric vehicles for on-campus travel...