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Doing More With YouTube

If you create video content and use YouTube as your communications platform, then you have to check out the YouTube Creator Playbook. Billed as a compilation of important tips, best practices, and strategies, the Creator Playbook is a must-read for all levels of YouTube users. It literally is 70 pages of awesome. Seriously, if you want to get better at using YouTube, read the Creator Playbook.

Economists speak out

A couple of weeks ago, some economists from UMass published an open letter of support for the Occupy movements around the USA and the world. Maybe it was simply in the spirit of public scholarship, maybe it was an attempt to expiate some of the responsibility of their profession for recent failures, maybe it was just a case of having "enjoyed" about as much as they could stand. Regardless, their statement has now been signed by over 250 of their professional colleagues -- a significant portion of the profession is speaking truth to power

On getting older

Last week a new custodian, while emptying my office trash, took one look at a framed photo of my daughter and asked me brightly, “Is that your granddaughter?” I graciously corrected him and continued working. When I mentioned this to friends their responses were uniformly horrified. It is a truth universally acknowledged that telling a woman she’s old is an unforgivable insult.

Too Many Daves

Meet Dave. Dave doesn’t exist, but his real-life counterparts do.

#Reverb11: Time for Reflection

It’s that time of the year – time to assess last year’s resolutions, make new ones for 2012, and reflect on how life’s going.

Coursekit First Impressions

Audrey Watters' post inspired me to spend some time building a new Coursekit site.

Normalizing the Cutting Edge

Brene Brown's talk on vulnerability resonates with me for a variety of reasons. My blog posts at my personal site generally have a bit of vulnerability in them. Being vulnerable in professional spaces is something that I have explored in-person and in online conversations. However, vulnerability is difficult to maintain when you are on a deadline or you just don't feel like sharing a bit of yourself in a blog post. In the spirit of being more vulnerable, here is me sharing a little more...

The worst kind of organic

I was in the supermarket yesterday, looking at organic produce. At our latitude, I can grow good sweet peppers, but hot peppers have never done well in my garden.