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Of Niall and Neal and students

As the unrest in nearby Quebec continues, I continue to be amazed, although not surprised. The initial proximate cause of what are now nightly public demonstrations (albeit, greatly amplified by the provincial government's passage of a law severely curtailing civil liberties) was a decision to virtually double university tuitions over a ten-year period.

School Board Reelection

Three years ago, when I first ran for the local school board, I was one of two people running for two seats. The campaign was easy and winning was never in question. My total expenses for that campaign consisted of one first class postage stamp. Three years later, I debated long and hard whether I should run for another term. What finally convinced me to run for reelection was that we are in a critical time for public education and I felt I could make a positive difference.

Taking stock in the home stretch

We've paid the deposit on Ben's cap and gown, so it looks like this is really going to happen. In just a few weeks he will have completed the journey he began on his first day of kindergarten. I cried then, and I'm sure there will be plenty of tears shed when he accepts his diploma, as well.

High Tech, High Touch

We’re moving in two different directions, and only beginning to realize it.

What's New at University of Venus? 2 June 2012

What’s New at UVenus: ● Curt Rice at University of Venus at The Guardian with Why Women Leave Academia and...

Student-Driven Student Affairs Incubators

Turning ideas into action requires time, leadership, and an organizational culture that promotes innovation. Recently, I've been checking out some action-oriented initiatives, including: #satechBOS, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Student Startup Challenge, and the Newport Startup Session. Of these three events/programs, #satechBOS is specifically Student Affairs focused.

Can For-Profit Ed Act as a Bridge Between Liberals and Conservatives?

Dean Dad's post this week Thoughts on Romney and Higher Ed generated lots of comments, but I felt little discussion and listening. When it comes to politics our IHE community seems to be talking past one another.

Math Geek Mom: Minor Worries

As I age, my eyes are staring to betray me. This is something that I particularly notice when I am reading things that involve superscripts or subscripts, which occurs often in math and economics.