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Ten Books

The "what ten books have influenced you?" meme is making its way around the blogs, and while I don't usually...

Fooling with fonts

No, this information does not originate with the Finnish linguist Sloof Lirpa. It originates at, among other places, the University...


"People seemed to run out of their own being," says Philip Roth's Nathan Zuckerman in American Pastoral, as he considers...

Motherhood After Tenure: on not being an administrator (this year)

I’ve never considered myself an administrator. I’m a teacher first, a scholar second, and committee member/service provider third. I doubt...

Ask the Administrator: Limiting Letters of Recommendation

A new, but beleaguered, correspondent writes: I'm hoping that you might have some advice on limiting letters of recommendation. I...

On Facebook, Video and Attention

The News Feed on my Facebook account just popped up a notice: "On Leadership: Dartmouth College president and public-health leader...

Guest Review: Understanding Nationalism

*** Review by Okla Elliott The Cognitive Turn in Theory and Cultural Studies: A Review of Understanding Nationalism , by...

Saw That One Coming

According to this story in IHE, Bristol Community College in Massachusetts is partnering with a for-profit provider (The Princeton Review)...