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Meeting of New Faculty Majority

Inside Higher Ed will be blogging live from the first national meeting of the New Faculty Majority.

Friday Follow-ups

A few follow-ups to issues that came up this week: In response to the “rejection” post earlier this week, one...

Letters from Macedonia IV

UF architecture professor Charlie Hailey takes a soak at Banjiste.

Math Geek Mom: Limits at Infinity

In Math, we often talk of how a function behaves as a variable approaches limits at infinity.

EdTech Exports and Echo360

Are you an exporter? Do you sell your services or products to another country? Maybe you work for or teach in a program that has tuition paying students who live outside of nation in which you live. Perhaps your company sells ed tech services or products outside of our borders.

Globalisation of Digital Humanities: An Uneven Promise

Last October, I gave a lecture at the Lifelong Learning Division of the School of Humanities at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This was one of the ways I participated in the University of Venus Networking Challenge, where I was aiming to “go interdisciplinary” and “go international”.

Blogs: The Foundation of Your Communications Strategy

WordPress has been mentioned several times on this blog. As a blogging platform, WordPress offers terrific functionality, ease of use, search engine optimization, accessibility, and it is free. The dot org version of WordPress is the self-hosted variety of the popular Whenever I surf through a student affairs division’s website, I always think about how useful it would be if instead of a static site (content that rarely changes), we switched to a dynamic, content-rich, blog-based site.

Whither the weather

Will extreme weather, fueled in large part by climate change, change politics? Will it change our society?