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3 Reasons Why I'd Choose the Kindle Paperwhite Over an iPad

My Kindle $119 Kindle Paperwhite with $39.99 persimmon leather cover arrived today. I'm already reading more. This is a beautiful device.

Adventures with iMovie

Last week was an audio/video adventure. Editing numerous interviews for a client, I became reacquainted with iMovie. In my pre-Mac days (translation: before I ate the metaphorical Apple), I would use whatever software I could find to edit videos. When I lived in St. Lucia in 2001, I used Adobe Premiere to edit/render videos. Oftentimes the power would go out, my laptop battery would run out of juice, and I would have to start over from scratch. It wasn't exactly a delightful editing process. However, I did learn quite a bit from those days of transferring clips from a tape-based camera to a computer and slogging my way through…I literally learned while on the go.

College Memoir Excerpt From Debra Monroe

Writer and teacher Debra Monroe, author of five previous books, shares a chapter from her new memoir-in-progress, about being the first in her family to go to college.

Math Geek Mom: I Mourn with a Fellow Mother

I learned last week that the baby Panda born in the National Zoo only recently has died, when it was...

Chemical Reactions

When the chemistry faculty of SUNY Potsdam aligned themselves with their library director, Jenica Rogers, to say “no” publicly to the American Chemical Society (ACS) - because the price of their journal package was too high for schools like theirs and would have consumed a disproportionate percentage of the library’s total budget - it was newsworthy. Why in an era when “no” is being said so often is this news?

Grad Student's Guide to Good Tea

Look, coffee is great and all, but it just doesn’t hold a candle to the variety and flexibility of tea. I am a dyed in the wool tea drinker, and I can't write a word without a cuppa. But tea can be tricky; just choosing the generic bagged tea off the shelf rarely results in a triumphant tea experience. Recently, we at GradHacker have posted guides for wine and coffee, and it is high time that delicious teas were given their due.

Ag ec as a lens on economic sustainability

OK, I'm prejudiced. I don't much care for factory-raised meat (or produce, for that matter). That's one of the reasons why I have a big freezer in the garage. (Chest type. Energy efficient. In the unheated garage so that five months out of the year it uses almost no electricity at all.)

Motherhood After Tenure: What I Wish I'd Known When I Began

Graduate programs rarely prepare you for the myriad skills required for being a successful (let alone happy) professor. Most of...