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Last things first

An article in the current (February) issue of Dwell magazine tells of a married couple in the Netherlands -- designers...

Following the rules

This weekend I found myself in the neighborhood of my favorite gourmet cookware store, and with no kids in tow...

Undergraduates and E-Books: A Marriage Made With a Shotgun

Sisters in Crime, a mystery writer's organization of which I am a member, has recently released a study of mystery...

Student Views on Technology and Teaching

Today was one of those days that us educators live for. A recent graduate, Lucretia Witte (who is now teaching...

Academic Boredom

I am a person who is easily bored. It is in my character. I get tired of things easily. Not...

Social Media, Student Affairs, and Influence

The secret to being an avid student affairs techie is very simple. Whenever/wherever you notice a new technology solution, thought...

Opting Back In

Last week’s article in Salon by Katy Read about the flip side of “opting out” of the workforce struck a...


I traveled over the MLK weekend, and ended up staying in a nicely refurbished older hotel. More than a number...