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How to Hack Academic Book Publishing in Two (Not So) Easy Steps

The book based on the Hacking the Academy project is now online and soon will be available in print from...

What Would You Pay to Rent Any Kindle Book?

"Amazon has told publishers it is considering creating a digital-book library featuring older titles, people familiar with the talks said...

Mothering at Mid-Career: The week in bullet points

The semester has begun with a bang: an earthquake, a hurricane, and a presidential visit. Add to that the normal...

Ask the Administrator: Planning, Emergencies, and Opportunities

An occasional correspondent writes: Our college has made some important strides in aligning long-term planning goals with our budgeting processes...

When do you stop being cool?

I just turned forty and began worrying about catching a terrible disease from my students. A good friend once clued...

10 Ideas to Lower University Press Book Prices

Thank you Tony Sanfilippo , Assistant Press Director at Penn State Press, for laying out the challenges faced by university...

Students in the streets: What's wrong with Chilean higher education? Part 2

This is part 2 of an earlier blog. After removing the Minister of Education two weeks ago, the Chilean government...

Hats Off

I am writing this blog in a hotel in Seattle. I picked the hotel because it has LEEDS certification and...