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ABC's and PhD's: An important lesson from middle school math

For some unknown reason over the weekend, I felt compelled to check the electronic service that our school system uses...

First Year Focus-Understanding Student Choices

September is upon us and with the beginning of another academic year comes a fresh crop of undergraduate students jostling...

Listservs and the "Unsubscribe me" Meme

Initially, this post was going to be titled: "If you've ever sent "unsubscribe" to a listserv, please break the glass...

Google, Motorola, and Our Nationwide Bandwidth Market Failure

I've been mulling over the Google $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobile. The consensus on the rationale for the purchase...

International student mobility highlights in the OECD's Education at a Glance 2011

Education at a Glance 2011 was released today by the OECD. The report is replete with data about education systems...

Patriot Act: Technology and Jurisprudence

[This blog post is the second in a third on the Patriot Act article extract.] Because Internet communications are “electronic,”...

Definition: The Whoopsydoodle School

Amateurs, novices, and undergraduates who espouse the aesthetic of the infantile: Everything they make must be regarded as art because...

Ask the Administrator: Integrity of Integrity Policies

A returning correspondent writes: Our current academic integrity policy results in a student failing a course if they are caught...