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Trauma and the College Classroom

Teaching with a trauma-informed lens.

Why Arts Education Matters

Vocationalism and the plight of the arts.

The Evolution of Partnership Agreements

How to make sense of the explosion of alternative credential providers.

Reimagining Gen Ed

What the gen ed curriculum in the humanities and social sciences would look like if it reflected contemporary thinking.

If ChatGPT Can Do It, It’s Not Worth Doing

Let’s be sensible about what this technology means.

College Rankings: The Tail Is Frantically Wagging the Dog

It’s time for colleges and universities to find new ways to prove their worth.

Toxic Stress and Maladaptive Coping

Americans’ dysfunctional ways of coping with stress and what we can do about them.

3 Questions About Dartmouth’s First Fully Online Degree

A conversation with Dartmouth Engineering’s Alexis Abramson and Coursera’s Marni Baker Stein on the new online master of engineering in computer engineering.