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Vietnam, Part 2

I’ve always been interested in how we know where to go before we know why. It felt accidental some years...

Shakespeare's 7 Ages of the College Teacher

1. Cluelessness2. Terror3. Hope4. Competence5. Hubris6. Comeuppance7. Sabbatical Note: Adjuncts should omit Age 7 and carry on with Age 6...

Vietnam, Part 1

It was a fair start, for an ironical life, to be born American in Saigon, Vietnam, on Ho Chi Minh’s...

Is There a Grant to Study This?

A student pouted at me in conference today and said she doesn’t care about writing or reading well. She wants...

Churm House, Part 2

My wife makes more money as an internationalization coordinator than I have ever made, even as a corporate writer. That’s...

The Famous Are Different From You and Me

Multiply 15 minutes of fame by 6 billion people, and you’re bound to run across someone famous sometime. Some encounters...

Sweet Baby Lettuces, People

Your entries to the “One True Sentence” contest prove you’ve seen and heard some things. No wonder you have that...

Last Chance to Win Big!

The "One True Sentence" contest will remain open another day. Give it a try! See the two previous posts for...