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The Death of Don Ho, Part 2

My mother and I were sitting in a booth in a J.C. Penney’s lunchroom, sometime in the late ‘60s or...

The Death of Don Ho, Part 1

My mother-in-law and I were discussing small-town life. She’s originally from Inverness, Scotland, which used to be smaller than it...

Reality Check

Everyone who lives the life of academic administration receives a steady flow of publications in their mail and email streams...


I may have the best deal in all of adjunctdom. My teaching load is 3/3, and I have full health...

Tricks of the Trade

When I was accepted to grad school, I had a big problem: In order to get my fellowship, I’d have...

For Your Consideration

For those who don't know, I write somewhat regular dispatches for McSweeney's Internet Tendency. There's a new one up today...

Like Nails on a Chalkboard

It’s old news that many libraries suffer for lack of money. After September 11th, Hinterland’s investment portfolio tanked with the...

Writing as Warning

Some of you have written to ask how I, a writing teacher, feel about the creative writing connection in the...