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"I've Done Everything You've Asked Me To Do!"

One of the less lovely aspects of my job is talking with faculty whose promotion applications have been denied. There's...

Ask the Administrator: "We Don't Really Like You, But..."

An already-employed correspondent (it's relevant) writes: ---------- I am not sure, but I think that I may have just received...

University Presidential Memoirs

University presidents are a varied lot: some charismatic and charming, some dour and solid, some charlatans and others true believers...

The Parents Out There Will Understand

I work hard at my job, but after this weekend, I'm looking forward to returning to work so I can...

What a Special Operations Chaplain Knows

He was the best of us, as they say, but that’s not claiming much moral high ground. Back in what’s...

What Ngo Trung Viet Knows

My preceding post was about a collection of poems by an 18th-century Vietnamese concubine, Ho Xuan Huong, who wrote in...

Ask the Administrator: How to Break In

An adjunct, and returning correspondent, writes: If I was an English adjunct at your CC, where would you advise me...

Ask the Administrator: The Best?

A new correspondent writes: Are community colleges required, either by policy or law, to always hire the job candidate who...