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"Washing Your Dad Down in My Shower."

As UD prepares to go to Nashville to blog the annual meeting of the NCAA for Inside Higher Ed (her...

The "Non-Matric" Back Door

"Matriculated" is one of those SAT words that people outside of higher ed administration almost never use. ("Bursar" is another.)...


Recently I had lunch with a materials science professor, and my family spent New Year’s with an engineer and his...

Once More Into the Blog

A few highlights from the holiday break: Words coined by The Girl: hoggy (synonym for piggy); aminal; psghettio's; velcwo (my...

Old-Timey New Year

My brother-in-law’s grandfather was kind and had an infectious laugh, but he was also a tough old bird, and to...

UD in Krakow

I'm in Poland, in freezing Krakow, a city marvelous enough to overcome even shitty weather. The old town's full of...

Happy Holidays from the Churms

Aaahhhhh. Hear that? That's the sound of no-students, the sound of final grades being deposited in a bank of computer...

Settling Down for a Long Winter's Nap

A few highlights of the Christmas preparation season: The Girl's Christmas pageant at her preschool. She attends a preschool at...