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In the Heart of the Heart of the Most Expensive

Three of them come to mind right away, three sensitive, eager, smart literary scholars in the making in my literature...

Ask the Administrator: Time to Jump Ship?

A long-suffering correspondent writes: I have taught for now nearly two decades in a smaller field in liberal arts and...

Choir, please disregard

If we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting what we’ve been getting. What most of us have...

Bifurcated Budget Begets Bad Buildings

It’s said that the modern university consists of a large number of academic and administrative departments united by a common...

Dignity Optional

The Girl had a Little Gymnast class yesterday at the Y while I was at work. (TW took her, and...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Here's writing that doesn't work -- doesn't convince its audience. In her parenthetical commentary, SOS tells you why. 'GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY...

Pet Peeve #1

I’m not sure what my pet peeves #2 through n are, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out in time...

Owl Pellets and Cynical Wisdom: A Budgetary Snark

One of the real shocks in moving from Proprietary U to a cc was the change in budget rules. I...