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Ask the Administrator: Philosophy and Finance

A new correspondent writes: I'm currently a student at a California State University. I'm working towards a double major in...

Denver Nuggets

Okay, so I recently mentioned a distaste for bullet points, and I'm breaking my own rule here. Point granted. A...

Liveblogging the League, Part V: Solving the Wrong Problem

Sometimes geography is destiny. I attended a presentation this morning by a team from North Dakota. Several of the top...

Sustaining the cash flow

Tuesday’s item about the LA Community College District and their sustainability projects is well worth reading. A number of colleges...

Live from the League, Part IV

There's a special kind of relief that comes from realizing that it's not just you. I attended a presentation (and...

Contest Extension

The Little Truths Writing Contest deadline will be extended until midnight, Monday, March 10. You may leave entries of 75...

The onset of offsets

There has been a spate of questions on the Green School listserv ( about offsetting greenhouse gas emissions locally...

Liveblogging the League III: STEMs and Roots

Although nobody here has addressed it directly, as far as I've noticed, there's a definite theme underlying many of the...