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Let me combine two university-related subjects I've been promising to write about -- online courses, which I've called the poor...

What David Bowen Knows

As I wrote in a couple of earlier posts ( here and here), I’ve long had an interest in independent...

ABCs and PhDs: It's the Journey not the Destination

Each year some 57,000 newly awarded PhD’s enter the job market – way too many for all to find positions...

Another Kind of Resource

This semester, I think my cc has set a new internal record for public presentations. We've been staging talks on...

A cool (actually, warm) map

This interactive map showing current (not projected) global warming impact requires that you have Google Earth installed, but you probably...

Fun with Predictions

Every so often, my usual discipline slips, and I actually venture a prediction in print. (If it's a blog, is...

Mothering at Mid-Career: What happened to May?

It happens every year around this time: I lose an entire month. I start looking forward to May in about...

... or add a day

Today's issue leads with a story about how some community colleges are going to four-day schedules (MW/TTh classes only) to...