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The Career Coach Is In: Leave Corporate Life for Academia?

A professional mom named “Abigail” wrote me in the throes of deciding whether to leave her corporate career for an...


We had to get out of Dodge this weekend for a whole series of reasons, so my Mom invited us...

A box of rocks

OK, so it's not particularly related to higher ed, but I have to remark on the White House's belated release...


Solving the sustainability problem is going to require using new technologies, in the broadest sense of that term. ("Technology" simply...

Drama Mama: Complexity

Wikipedia states: In general usage, complexity often tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement...

Ask My Readers: Composition and Rhetoric Programs

A new correspondent writes: I graduated from (Elite SLAC) two years ago as an English major with a concentration in...


How do we get American students out of the basement of the ivory tower? You remember the recent Atlantic magazine...

Big Jerk-Head

Several of the events at the lit festival I went to last weekend convened in a narrow room above a...