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The Safety School Shuffle

With classes starting any minute now – I can see the dorsal fin in the water – the folks in...

Inside information #3 - A detour about dark

When I think about information, I usually think about it at rest. Kind of like, when I think about water...

A New Dispatch About Going Wild, Productively

I have a new dispatch up at McSweeney's today, in which I prove myself to be the monster that so...

An Open Letter to Money Magazine

Dear Editors of Money, This one has been making the rounds on campus. The September issue of Money magazine features...

Inside information #2 - Secret sharing

OK, so it's not technically a secret. But, if your college or university is located in (or even somewhat near)...

That Hurt

Last week I was in a meeting with the college controller – the money guy – who mentioned that this...

Mothering at Mid-Career: It's not a Race

So the bathroom floor doesn't need replacing after all; instead, we need a termite guy. It may be more expensive...

Inside information #1 - Market intelligence

Higher education is all about information -- parsing it, passing judgment on it, and passing it on. Sustainability work is...