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The story in the Chronicle yesterday about California paying its community colleges in IOU's got me thinking about reserves, and...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Snow Days, Sabbaticals, and Unstructured Time

I read a piece in the Chronicle recently about learning to use unstructured time productively. Or, that’s what I thought...

Ask the Administrator: What's Your Motivation?

A new correspondent writes: I've been doing some reading in economics lately and started wondering about higher education. What are...

The upside of escapism

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to watch an old (old, old) movie -- Trouble in Paradise. It was...


Dr. Crazy has a nice discussion over at her place about battles over curriculum. As she details it, her department...

Math Geek Mom: Risky Parenting

Today I taught about Bay’s Theorem and Bayesian Statistics in my Advanced Statistics class. As I was lecturing, I talked...

Four, Going on Thirty

The Girl is four, with big innocent eyes and a smile that could melt the Grinch. She also has juuust...

Balloons, bathtubs and (fill in the blank)

While we're on the subject of visual presentation of information, I just want to point out that part of the...