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Mothering at Mid-Career: Time Management

My sixth-grade son Nick recently had to write a “reflection” piece after finishing a sixth-grade math project. It began with...

When stability becomes stasis

I was speaking recently with the dean of faculty at a small US polytechnic. Toward the end of the conversation...

AACC Dispatch, Day One

Reader, I attended five panels on Sunday, so you don't have to. You're welcome. A few highlights: Kay McClenney's panel...

Said and Unsaid

First, the throat-clearing. Since Arizona doesn't do daylight savings time, it's three hours behind the East Coast during the spring...

This Just In: April the Cruelest Month

Hemingway felt it in Paris: [Y]ou could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would...

The PCC 2.0 Football

The American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (or "PCC") has been around for a couple of years now. Over...

Math Geek Mom: May You Live in Interesting Times

When the Titanic sunk on April 15 of 1911, I am sure that a young couple named William and Carroll...

The Roving Reporter, Redux

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the AACC... Thanks to the good folks at, I'll...