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Crowd Control

Even after years of observing the phenomenon, I have no explanation. Obviously, one might think that on a rainy Monday...

The Death March

I mentioned a few days ago that Kay McClenney's point about shortening the remediation death march was worth a post...

Motherhood After Tenure: eating pedagogy

Last night a former student took over my kitchen, riffling through my cabinets, grabbing spices -- chopping, simmering, zesting, and...


After five days away, upon opening the door: silence... silence...silence...“DADDY!” Three flying-tackle hugs nearly knock me over.For the rest of...

When systems aren't systemic

Greenback U. has lots of administrative information systems. It used to have more -- before last decade's ERP implementation --...

ABC's and PhD's: Moving

I really never thought that I would end up as a grown up life living 3000 miles away from my...

AACC Wrapup: A Discussion That Didn't Happen

Despite lower attendance, this year's AACC conference occasioned some wonderful conversations about all manner of topics, both officially and unofficially...

AACC Dispatch, Day Two: Danger Ahead!

I'm one of those people who reads the conference program, picks out the panels in advance, then changes the itinerary...