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What Philip Graham Knows

Today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with Philip Graham, author of the novel How to Read an Unwritten...

Tandberg, Cisco and Lecture Capture

The announcement today of Cisco's offer of $3 billion to buy the video conferencing company Tandberg could potentially have significant...

Thoughts on Hiring Outside Academe

There's a thought-provoking piece in IHE this week by Charles Middleton, President of Roosevelt University, about hiring senior administrators from...

Math Geek Mom: Not so Happy Meal

Ok, so I admit it. I am not a good cook, and, on top of it, I spend a lot...

If you're going through San Francisco ...

... be sure to check your under-seat cushion, which can be used as a flotation device in the entirely likely...

Joyce Loses Legal Battle

As Stanford University reported a couple of days ago and Inside Higher Ed noted, the estate of James Joyce, headed...

Ask the Administrator: Buying the Cow

A semi-new correspondent writes: You mentioned having too few faculty for student advising... do you or would you use "adjuncts"...

Motherhood After Tenure: What makes a happy woman?

This week I’m teaching Frankenstein in a lower-level women’s literature course. Among the host of meaty issues, we discuss the...