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Mothering at Mid-Career: Juggling

It feels like it's been a while since I wrote anything about being a parent in this space. It's been...

Technology and Grading Experiments

I don't want to push my opinion too much about Cathy Davidson's grading experiments at Duke. Not that I don't...

Not Babylon 5

I don't want to think about the crude oil currently spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. I'd much rather think...

Dress like a dean/provost

After about a year of serving as Assistant Provost, the Provost called me in and indicated that he was more...

'It's a catastrophe. Relax!'

So Nobel laureate Michael Beard assures us all of the the inevitability and consequences of global warming, in Ian McEwan's...

The Girl Plays T-Ball

This Saturday The Girl had her first t-ball game. T-ball, for the uninitiated, is a version of baseball in which...

More on the Humanities and the Marketplace

“Henry Adams’s” most recent “Academic Bait-and-Switch” column in The Chronicle, in which he discusses all of his misguided reasons for...

Ask the Administrator: Hiring Earlier in the Cycle

A new correspondent writes: I work in an English Department at a mid-sized community college and currently chair a search...