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Essays that Lie

I was very pleased to read the recent news article in Inside Higher Ed describing the new essay service that...

Summer's Labour's Lost

My sons and I hold a recurrent discussion about the reason school lets out in early June and resumes on...

Some Questions for Scitable

Have you checked out Scitable, a free online teaching/learning portal combining peer reviewed articles and teaching materials with social networking...

Reunion Butterflies

My 40th (yikes!) high school reunion is coming up, and my inbox has been clogged with correspondence about it —...

The OECD's AHELO: a PISA for higher education?

Greetings from Paris, one of the 'calculative centres' associated with the globalization of higher education. One of the key institutions...

The $139 Kindle and the Academic Library

" If we give up on having library collections (digital or otherwise) and outsource access to and preservation of knowledge...

Math Geek Mom: What the Jesuits taught me about being a Mom

Patterns are central to math and statistics. If we add two of something to two more of that something, we...

Outside the Box

I never finished high school. After my sophomore year of high school, I left and went to college at age...