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Bread crumb the fifth - On the highway, at the theater

Yes, I own a car. I also own a truck. Neither one is a hybrid, and both were built in...

Motherhood After Tenure: Admission

This week I rewarded my productivity by reading a totally engrossing, satisfying novel: Jean Hanff Korelitz’s Admission. Korelitz's deftly-written novel...

Well, That's Different...

This Fall’s enrollment patterns aren’t looking anything like historical norms. I’m curious to see if that’s a local quirk, or...

Answering My Brother Max About The Value of Video Mashup Assignments

"In four years at a fairly tech-savvy university, I never did anything with video mashups (or video in general) for...

ABC's and PhD's: Summer Reading

This summer I thought I’d teach my daughter to read. I’m not sure why I had in mind that we’d...

Ask the Administrator: Incivility Amok!

A new correspondent writes: This morning I followed up on a Chronicle article from the tail end of last week...

Sorrow and Community

When tragedy hits a close-knit community like Alma, Michigan, we all feel it. Two weeks ago, it hit hard. I...

The Most Powerful Idea in the World

In William Rosen's masterful new book, The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention...