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The tweeting Dean of Students

I've been keeping track of as many tweeting Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAOs) as I possibly can via a Twitter...

Questions on Economics of Higher Ed

Reading President Obama's higher ed speech, and the comments about his speech from all of you, has left me with...

Which is your Priority: Research or Teaching?

For academics of a certain age, having many fine balancing acts to prioritize is our prerogative. UVenus writers have blogged...

The Girl, Mastermind

Okay, I’m a little nerdy, but this was a huge moment for us. The Girl, who is 6, loves playing...

A slice of bread - Why companies aren't greener

According to a couple of recent reports, many large US companies want to be operate more sustainably, but really don't...

The Shock of Exclusion

Ever since I read an essay, " The Shock of Inclusion" by Clay Shirky in Edge, I've been pondering the...

Build Your Own Orientation

We’ve had some discussions on campus recently about new employee orientation, which starts in a few weeks. The general consensus...

Highlights of President Obama's Speech on Higher Education

When our President gives a major speech devoted to higher education it is important that all of us take some...